
Welcome to RIWOlink

RIWOlink was established in Munich at the beginning of 2013 under the name Wintegral. Over the last decade, the company has been developing solutions for OR integration, primarily for use in endoscopy and integrated ORs.

As of the beginning of 2023, the company's primary objective has been the digitalization of ORs. With this objective in mind, RIWOlink opened a new headquarters in Karlsruhe and expanded the research and development department to include sales and service departments. With locations in Karlsruhe and Munich, RIWOlink aims to offer end-to-end digitalization for ORs as a project company.

Our team provides reliable and impartial advice to customers, helping them to design customer-specific, application-oriented concepts that meet their digital workflow requirements. Our services range from project planning and implementation to installation, commissioning, training, and service contracts.

Transforming OR Digitization

Your qualified partner
for digitization in the operating room



The 3rd Generation OT- Intergration

The Gateway Clinics GmbH, Frankfurt Airport / Germany

The advanced 3rd generation 4K IP solution, link.OS, is installed in the clinic's operating theatres.


Contact us
RIWOlink Headquarters