User groups

For Physicians

We take care of everything necessary in your OR

RIWOlink provides all services required for a successful implementation of digitization projects for the operating room. The focus is on surgical workflow and process support as well as AI-based image/video analysis and processing. The required technologies, such as IP-based video routing in 4K quality and a wide range of data interfaces, e. g. for OR documentation in the patient context, are also part of the portfolio, as well as software development for customer-specific applications. Based on our know-how from decades of work, both in endoscopic diagnostics and therapy as well as in the implementation of OR digitization projects, we have first-hand knowledge of the circumstances and current challenges of medical care facilities.

For Hospital Planner

OR Integration the boost for your Business

Based on our know-how from decades of work, both in endoscopic diagnostics and therapy as well as in the implementation of OR digitization projects, we have first-hand knowledge of the circumstances and current challenges of medical care facilities.

For Hospital IT

Safety driven - future proof operating room

RIWOlink can provide all services required for the successful implementation of digitization projects in the operating room environment. The focus is on workflow and process support as well as AI-based image/video analysis and processing.

For Partners & B2B

Your qualified partner for your business

With competent and hardware-neutral advice, we help to map the complex requirements in continuous digital workflows in customer-specific and application-oriented concepts in line with requirements.

Contact us
RIWOlink Headquarters